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Chapter 1

This is my first vampfic so don’t judge me if it’s too lame 😀
disclaimer : The author hasn’t met anyone here described,nor does the author mean to suggest that these people act this way in real life (okay maybe the last one is not 100% true tee hee) but this writing is a purely work on fiction.
Dedication : for my friends whom requested me write in Indonesian and publish it.

Heechul perlahan membuka matanya. Ia benar benar tak mengenali dimana dirinya berada sekarang. Disekitarnya hanya terdapat beberapa jalan kecil dan pepohonan rindang yang justru terlihat seram karena gelap. Dia berusaha dengan keras mengingat apa yang dilakukannya semalam sampai ia bisa sampai ke tempat yang aneh ini,tetapi ia tetap tidak bisa. Heechul memutuskan untuk menyetir mobilnya kearah jalan yang paling besar,nampaknya itu adalah jalan utama. Sudah sekitar sepuluh kilometer dia menyetir tapi tak juga terlihat ada rumah penduduk ataupun sarana umum. “Dimana aku sebenarnya?” gumamnya dalam hati.
Dari jauh ia melihat sebuah bangunan besar yang memancarkan cahaya terang,suara berisik yang ada didalam juga terdengar semakin kencang. Rupanya itu adalah sebuah kafe dan ternyata kafe itu cukup ramai pengunjung,hal itu terlihat jelas dari beberapa kendaraan yang parkir di depan kafe tersebut. Heechul memutuskan untuk memarkir mobilnya dan masuk kedalam,dengan pikiran siapa tahu ia bisa menanyakan arah jalan atau sekedar minum minum sebentar atau bahkan barangkali ia bisa menemukan seeorang yang cocok untuknya. Tapi ia segera menghapus ide terakhir dari pikirannya.
Interior kafe tersebut cukup mewah,Heechul bingung mengapa kafe yang berada di tempat yang bahkan tidak terjangkau ini bisa memiliki interior sebagus itu. Ia berjalan menuju salah satu meja yang agak jauh dari pintu masuk dan duduk disitu. “Permisi tuan,ada yang bisa saya bantu?” seorang pelayan lelaki yang berwajah manis,atau bahkan bisa dibilang lebih ke arah cantik berdiri sambil tersenyum. Heechul masih terdiam karena masih bingung mengapa kafe tersebut memiliki interior sebagus dan semahal itu,ia juga berpikir apa uangnya akan cukup. “maaf tuan,adakah yang bisa saya bantu?” sang pelayan mengulanginya sekali lagi. “Oh iya maaf,aku tadi sedang melamun” mukanya memerah karena agak malu. “Ingin pesan apa tuan?,ini menunya”. Heechul melihat lihat sebentar lalu memesan sepiring nasi goreng Beijing dan segelas teh. “baiklah tuan,silahkan ditunggu pesanannya”
Tak berapa lama pesanannya datang. Ia terkejut karena cepat sekali makanan itu tersaji,dan yang membuatnya lebih terkejut adalah rasanya yang sangat enak. Setelah ia menghabiskan pesanannya,Heechul memutuskan untuk tidak langsung pergi. Selain suasana di kafe itu sangat enak,ia juga merasa kalau untuk saat ini kafe tersebut adalah tempat yang paling aman baginya karena diluar gelap sekali. Heechul lalu mencoba membuat dirinya rileks dan melupakan masalahnya,ia menutup matanya dan tanpa sadar ia tertidur. “Permisi tuan,bisakah anda bangun? Kafe kami akan tutup” suara pelayan lelaki tadi terdengar jelas dan membangunkannya dari tidurnya yang begitu lelap tadi. “Maaf tuan,tapi ini bill dari makanan anda”. “Pelayan ini begitu sering mengucapkan kata maaf”,pikirnya. “Oh,baiklah” ia lalu mengambil dompetnya dan membayar makanan tadi. Sial benar nasib heechul,uangnya benar benar pas untuk membayar makanan itu dan tak ada sisa. Ia segera menuju parkiran,disitu tidak ada lagi mobil lain selain mobil miliknya. Dia mencoba menyalakan mobilnya berkali kali tetapi tidak juga bisa. Heechul benar benar bingung,seingatnya tak ada masalah dengan mobilnya.
Ah, ternyata bahan bakarnya habis. Heechul melihat di sesekilingnya tidak ada pompa bensin atau semacamnya,hanya jalan jalan gelap dan pepohonan. Maka ia memutuskan untuk masuk lagi kedalam kafe tadi. “Permisi…Permisi…”. Keluarlah seorang pelayan,tetapi ini bukan pelayan yang tadi melayaninya. Pelayan yang ini luar biasa tampan dan tidak cocok menjadi pelayan. “Ada yang bisa kami bantu?” suaranya juga tak kalah indah dengan wajahnya. “Begini,bensinku habis. Apakah kafe ini punya persediaan bensin?” pelayan tadi lalu masuk kedalam. Heechul bingung apakah pelayan tadi mengambilkan bensin atau bermaksud mengabaikan dirinya,tetapi ia memutuskan untuk menunggu saja.
Pelayan tampan tadi lalu keluar “Maaf,di kafe ini hanya temanku kibum pegawai yang mempunyai kendaraan bermotor. Dan kelihatannya ia sudah pulang”. “ternyata si pelayan ini baik juga,ia tidak berniat mengacuhkanku tadi” pikirnya . “Baiklah,terima kasih” Heechul lalu berjalan lemas. “Tuan” tiba tiba pelayan tampan tadi memanggilnya. “Tuan,kau bisa menginap disini jika mau. Kebanyakan karyawan kafe ini menginap disini,di lantai atas. Dan masih ada kamar kosong”. Heechul berbalik “Terima kasih atas tawaranmu,kau baik sekali”. Pelayan tadi tersenyum “Jangan berterima kasih kepadaku tuan. Anda patut berterima kasih pada pemilik kafe ini karena ia sangat baik” katanya singkat. Ia lalu mengantarkan heechul ke kamar yang dimaksud. “Silahkan tuan” kata pelayan tadi sopan. “jika kau butuh bantuan,panggil saja aku. Kamarku empat pintu sebelah kiri dari sini” lalu pelayan tadi berjalan kearah kamarnya. “Tunggu,namaku Kim Heechul. Kau bisa memanggilku hee,heenim,heechul. Apapun lah terserah kau. Ngomong ngomong siapa namamu?”. “Namaku Cho Kyuhyun tuan,kau bisa memanggilku kyu.”. “Baiklah Kyu” lalu Heechul masuk kedalam kamar.
Kamar itu memang tidak terlalu luas,tetapi cukup bersih dan rapi. Kasurnya juga empuk dan sangat nyaman. Ia langsung tertidur begitu menyentuh kasur karena sangat pusing dan lelah. Keesokan harinya,kelihatannya ia bangun sangat pagi karena terlalu cepat tertidur. Lalu ia melihat jam tangan yang ia pakai,masih pukul tujuh pagi. Terdengar suara ketukan di pintu kamarnya “tuan…”. “Iya sebentar” balasnya setengah berteriak sambil berjalan kearah pintu dan membukanya. “Maaf tuan,aku hanya memastikan kau sudah bangun. Kyu berpesan agar aku menanyakan kepadamu,kapan kau ingin pulang?”. Ternyata yang mengetuk pintu tadi adalah pelayan yang semalam melayaninya. Heechul terdiam sejenak “aku tidak tahu,bahan bakar mobilku habis. Uangku juga habis untuk membayar pesananku semalam.” Tetapi pelayan itu hanya tersenyum “Kau boleh tinggal disini tuan,tuan siwon pasti mengizinkanmu. Ia sangat baik”. Heechul Nampak agak kebingungan. “tuan siwon adalah pemilik kafe ini” jelasnya. “Oh,aku pasti sangat berterima kasih padanya. Siapa namamu?”. “Namaku Hyukjae,tapi aku biasa dipanggil Eunhyuk. Siapa namamu tuan?”. “Aku Kim Heechul” katanya seraya mengusap mata yang masih agak mengantuk. “Oh iya tuan,ada sesuatu yang terlupa. Kalau kau mau mandi,kamar mandinya ada di ujung lorong sana. Dan kalau kau ingin makan,biasanya ada sepanci besar makanan untuk karyawan sesaat sebelum kami membuka kafe ini”. “Baiklah,terima kasih.”
“Wow,makanan ini enak sekali!” Heechul terpesona dengan kelezatan makanan yang disajikan. “Ini chef kami yang membuatnya tuan,aku juga sangat menyukai makanan buatannya” kata Kyuhyun antusias. “Apa chef itu juga tinggal disini?,aku belum melihatnya sejak tadi” Kata Heechul sambil melihat sekeliling. “Sebentar lagi juga ia datang tuan. Ia tidak pernah makan bersama kami,alasannya ada saja. Dia adalah lelaki yang sangat misterius tuan,kami tak tahu banyak tentangnya.” Sambar Eunhyuk. “Nah nah,itu adalah chef kami yang bernama hangeng tuan” Kata Kyuhyun setengah berbisik sambil menunjuk seseorang dipojok ruang.
Terlihat seorang lelaki yang berpostur cukup tinggi dan lumayan atletis sedang bersandar di tembok kafe tersebut. Ia mengenakan celana jeans dengan paduan kemeja hitam,jaket kulit,dan kacamata hitam. Ia terlihat begitu keren bagai cahaya petir mengenai mata Heechul. Heem kalian pasti bingung kan? Ya,Heechul adalah seorang hmm kalian bisa menyebutnya gay . Rahasia ini memang ia simpan rapat rapat,hanya teman baiknya yaitu Donghae yang mengetahuinya. Baiklah,kembali ke topic cerita. Pria itu menghadap kearah mereka,tetapi tak terlihat memandang kearah siapa karena ia memakai kacamata hitam. “Hai Han,ini adalah tuan Heechul tamu kita. Mendekatlah kesini,berkenalanlah dengannya. Ia baik Han” Kata Kyu sambil melakukan gesture tangan,lalu lelaki dengan kacamata hitam tadi mendekat,mengulurkan tangannya. “Han” katanya tanpa ekspresi. Heechul merasa agak takut dan merasa aneh,tapi ia tetap mengulurkan tangannya. “Kim Heechul” Heechul tetap mencoba untuk tersenyum. “Ia kehabisan uang dan bensinnya habis,jadi aku menawarinya tinggal disini” Lanjut Kyuhyun. “Oiya tuan,dimana kau tinggal?”. “Aku tinggal di selatan”. “Oh tuan,itu tak jauh dari sini. Tunggu saja Kibum datang”. Heechul bingung,bagaimana bisa tempat tinggalnya tak jauh dari sini sementara ia sudah menyetir jauh dan tak juga menemukan perumahan atau perkampungan. “Baiklah,aku sangat berterima kasih pada kalian” Kata Heechul sopan.
“Aku akan mengantarnya pulang” Ucap Hankyung tegas. Semua orang dimeja kaget,termasuk Heechul. “Apakah kau yakin Han?” Kata Eunhyuk heran. Hankyung tak menjawab tetapi menganggukkan kepala. “Tapi kau tak punya kendaraan kan? Apa kau akan menunggu Kibum datang?”. Hangkyung terdiam sesaat,lalu menjawab “Itu mudah” katanya sambil mengeluarkan kunci dari sakunya. “Itu kunci apa” Kata Eunhyuk,tapi Hankyung tak menjawab. Suasana menjadi sunyi,lalu Kyukhyun berinisiatif untuk menanyakan sesuatu pada Hankyung agar suasana tidak hening. “Itu milik siapa han,tentu saja kan bukan milikmu?” Tapi Hankyung tetap tak menjawab. Heechul berbisik “Mengapa kalian tidak marah,ia baru saja mengacuhkan kalian” Lalu Kyuhyun mengatakan “Sudah biasa” dan Eunhyuk tersenyum simpul. “Um… Ah… Hankyung,mengapa kau mau mengantarku? Um… kupikir… Um…. Kau… Um…” Tiba-tiba Hankyung memotong omongan Heechul yang terputus putus karena gugup dengan mengatakan “Aku rindu Selatan” Air mukanya tetap datar dan tanpa ekspresi,lalu ia berjalan kearah luar.

info about game: The Godfather
title: The Godfather | genre: Action
developer: EA Games | publisher: Electronic Arts
platform: PC/PS2/Xbox/PSP/Xbox360/PS3 | rated: 18+

Don Vito Corleone is a man sitting on top of the world. Known by many as ‘Godfather’, the Don is one of the most respected–and feared–men in all of New York City.

Welcome to the Corleone family. After a life of small-time jobs and petty thefts you’ve been accepted into America’s most famous criminal organization. Now it’s up to you to carry out orders, earn respect, rise through the ranks, and make New York City your own. Play your cards right and you could even be running everything as the next, and most powerful, Don.
A story about family, respect and loyalty, The Godfather book by Mario Puzo and film by Paramount Pictures serve as inspiration for the game as you join the Corleone family and earn respect through loyalty and fear as you rise through the ranks to become Don in a living, 1945-1955 New York. The Godfather™ video game will put you at the center of action in one of history’s most revered cinematic masterpieces, allowing you to create yourself in the game, and then choose your path as you rise from lowly outsider to envied and feared Don.
Featuring non-linear action-adventure gameplay, The Godfather will offer gamers countless choices for solving the family’s problems with brutal violence, skillful diplomacy, or a cunning mixture of both. From mob hits and bank heists to drive-bys and extortion, step deep inside the world of The Godfather where intimidation and negotiation are your tickets to the top. Players will use their powers of loyalty and fear to earn respect through interactions with characters in the world. Decisions made by the player in the game will have lasting consequences, just as it was in the mob underworld featured in The Godfather fiction.
The Godfather film from Paramount Pictures featured some of Hollywood’s finest actors and several are contributing to the game’s development. All character likenesses from the movie will be included and lending their voices to add a dramatic and cinematic touch to the game are the late Marlon Brando as Don Vito Corleone, James Caan as Sonny Corleone and Robert Duvall as consigliore Tom Hagen.
– The world of The Godfather: Experience a decade of violence in New York City from 1945-55.
– Classic Film Moments: Non-linear action adventure gameplay with missions direct from the film and original missions with characters from film provides an experience for all types of gamers
– Put yourself in the Godfather: Players will create their own mobster and put themselves in the action of the game and experience the fiction of The Godfather.
– Respect and Consequences: Players will use their powers of loyalty and fear to earn respect throughout New York City. Decisions made by the player in the game will have lasting consequences.
– Persistent world: Your character will interact freely with other characters in the world. Depending on your needs in the game and how you choose to play the game, by violent or intimidating means or respectful or negotiating means, the characters in the world will remember your interactions with them and your interactions will affect the outcome of the game.
– Control New York: The control of New York will be challenged by the five families from the fiction including the Tattaglia, Cuneo, Sollozzo, Brazini, and Stracci families.
– Mark Winegardner, author of the novel Godfather Returns, is providing story editing and fiction insight(info about game from official page)

The Godfather
G      Em     C     D
Drew looks at me, I fake a smile so he won’t see
G      Em           C        D
That I want and I’m needing, everything that we should be
Em                      C
I'll bet she’s beautiful, that girl he talks about
G                             D
And she’s got everything that I have to live without

G      Em     C     D
Drew talks to me, I laugh cause it’s so damn funny
G        Em       C    D
That I can’t even see, anyone when he’s with me
Em                       C
He says he’s so in love, he’s finally got it right
G                         D
I wonder if he knows he’s all I think about at night

G                       D
He’s the reason for the teardrops on my guitar
Em                           C
The only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing star
G                    D                              Em       C
He’s the song in the car I keep singing, don’t know why I do

G    Em       C   D
Drew walks by me, can he tell that I can’t breathe?
G            Em             C
And there he goes so perfectly
The kind of flawless I wish I could be
Em                           C
She’d better hold him tight, give him all her love
G                            D
Look in those beautiful eyes and know she’s lucky cause

G                       D
He’s the reason for the teardrops on my guitar
Em                           C
The only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing star
G                    D                              Em       C
He’s the song in the car I keep singing, don’t know why I do

Em                     C
So I drive home alone, as I turn out the light
G                           D
I put his picture down, and maybe get some sleep tonight

G                             D
Cause he’s the reason for the teardrops on my guitar
Em                      C
The only one who’s got enough of me to break my heart
G                    D                              Em       C
He’s the song in the car I keep singing, don’t know why I do
         G                           D         
He’s the time, taken up, but there’s never enough
         Em                      C
And he’s all that I need to fall into

G      Em     C     D                        G
Drew looks at me, I fake a smile so he won’t see
uys, this is the 2nd guitar of the song
Guitar 2





























































[GF.M3] A Grave Situation After you beat the first college kid in the parking lot of Bonasera’s Funeral Home, enter the graveyard next to Old St. Patrick’s Church. Before you beat the up the second college kid, turn left and head to the southeast corner of the cemetery. Sitting on the ground next to three tombstones in a row, is where you’ll find the Hidden Mission Money Bag. Collect your prize, and head back to the north end of the graveyard to administer your next beating. 1 Hidden Mission Money Bag with a value of $1,000 [GF.M4] Sleeping With The Fishes In the alley, next to the first practice dummy, are two small wooden crates on the ground next to the wall. Draw your weapon, enter into “Free-Aim Mode” and target the boxes… shoot until the crates explode and reveal the Hidden Mission Money Bag. Pick up your reward, and resume your training with Luca. 1 Hidden Mission Money Bag with a value of $2,000 [GF.M5] The Don Is Dead Successfully drive the ambulance onto the Manhattan Bridge, and view the cut scene. Draw a weapon and kill all the Tattaglia family members EXCEPT the capo. Interrogate the Tattaglia capo (if you want, you can kill him after you get the information… or not), then enter “Free-Aim Mode” and shoot up the tan sedan near him. Move away from the vehicle while you’re shooting, so you don’t die in the explosion. Under the fiery wreckage, is where you’ll find the Hidden Mission Money Bag. Get back in the ambulance and continue onto the hospital. 1 Hidden Mission Money Bag with a value of $3,000 [GF.M6] Tom Is Still Missing After you sneak around the diner on Empire ST at the Brooklyn waterfront, taking out Tattaglia family members as you go, stop at the blue marker near the chain link fence. Watch the cut scene, then go through the fence opening and cross the lot to the four (3 small & 1 large) wooden crates that are ahead and to the left of you. Pull out a weapon, enter “Free-Aim Mode” and start shooting the boxes to reveal the Hidden Mission Money Bag. Collect the money then finish the mission. 1 Hidden Mission Money Bag with a value of $4,000 [GF.M7] Intensive Care After Frankie leaves in the ambulance, head back up to the first floor and take out the last two Tattaglia family members. Michael Corleon will rush into the hallway… DO NOT talk with him. Instead, go up to the Don’s room on the second floor. The Hidden Mission Money Bag will be sitting on a counter in the northeast corner of the room. Collect your reward and head back down to talk with Michael and finish the mission. 1 Hidden Mission Money Bag with a value of $2,000 [GF.M8] Fireworks Meet police Sergeant Joe Galtosino on the roof of Sicilian Imports INC on Bowery ST. DO NOT whack him yet, instead destroy all the wood crates. You can use a weapon in “Free-Aim Mode” and the Sergeant will not draw his sidearm, but will take cover allowing you to shoot up everything in sight… just don’t hit Joe. Pick up the cash and continue the mission. 4 Hidden Mission Money Bags with a value of $5,000 [GF.M9] Death To The Traitor After planting the bomb near the bar on the second floor of The Roost at the corner of 10th AVE and 41st ST, a door across from the staircase will open and a Tattaglia family member will emerge. Killing him is optional, but should be done… that way he won’t block you from exiting. Go through the now open doorway and turn left. At the far end of the hallway in the northwest corner on the ground is where you’ll find the Hidden Mission Money Bags. Grab the money and run. 10 Hidden Mission Money Bags with a value of $20,000 [GF.M10] Special Delivery After gaining access to Sollozzo’s Warehouse on University Place, head up the outside staircase to the second level of the northern building. Once you reach the landing, draw your weapon and enter into “Free-Aim Mode”. Shoot the small wooden crates in the southeast corner to reveal the Hidden Mission Money Bag. Pick up the prize, and then continue on with the mission. 1 Hidden Mission Money Bag with a value of $14,500 [GF.M11] Horseplay On the second floor of Woltz’s home, garrote the guard after he’s done talking with the maid then turn right. Assume a crouched position, and go through the open door in front of you. DO NOT kill the guard on the balcony, or an alarm will be sounded and the mission will end prematurely. Instead… remain crouched, turn left and sneak behind the guard to pick up the Hidden Mission Money Bag on the ground next to the wall. Sneak back in the house same way you came out. Once inside, stand up and finish the mission. 1 Hidden Mission Money Bag with a value if $20,000 [GF.M12] A Recipe For Revenge After the cut scene, go through the door to the left of the bar and head up to the second floor. Killing the Tattaglia family members scattered about on the first floor of the restaurant is optional. Once you get to the second floor, turn left and you’ll see the Hidden Mission Money Bags sitting on top of a wood crate and several more on the floor. Grab the cash and head back down stairs to finish the mission. 5 Hidden Mission Money Bags with a value of $5,000 [GF.M13] Now It’s Personal Before entering St. Michael’s Church on Dock ST in Brooklyn, turn right and go through the opening in the stone fence surrounding the cemetery. Enter the mausoleum straight ahead. On the floor next to crypt inside is where you’ll find the Hidden Mission Money Bags, there is also a Film Reel inside as well. Leave the cemetery, enter the church and continue the mission. 3 Hidden Mission Money Bags with a value of $5,000 [GF.M14] The Silent Witness Park in front of Tito Morell’s Funeral Home on 34th ST in Midtown. Then cross to the north side of the street, turn right and start walking east. The message “Warning: Mission area ends at 34th and 3rd” will flash on the screen… ignore it and walk a little farther. Just past the flower cart is a small alcove on your left that contains a flaming oil drum. Behind the burning drum, on the ground, is the Hidden Mission Money Bag. Collect the cash and head back to the funeral home to continue the mission. 1 Hidden Mission Money Bag with a value of $7500 [GF.M15] Sonny’s War After the cut scene when you confront Angelo Bacci at Holden Holdings in the rail yard of Hell’s Kitchen, exit the office. Enter the door ahead and on your left. Go down the short hallway, turn left at the corner and use the elevator to reach the roof. As you step out of the elevator, notice the pigeon coup in front and to your right. Inside the oversized bird cage is where you’ll find the Hidden Mission Money Bags. After grabbing the stash, head back down to meet Sonny and finish the mission. 10 Hidden Mission Money Bags with a value of $10,000 [GF.M16] Change Of Plans After Sonny’s death at the West Side Highway toll plaza, stop and enter the toll booth on the right to find the Hidden Mission Money Bags. Take the money and run back to your vehicle, then continue the mission. Speed is of the essence in this mission… if the other car gets to far away, you will fail and the mission will end. 3 Hidden Mission Money Bags with a value of $15,000 [GF.M17] Order To Kill At the start of the mission, after the cut scene with Monk, turn to your left and move forward. Go past the fuse box on the wall, then turn left at the corner. The Hidden Mission Money Bags are in the corner on the ground next to some debris. Pick up the money, then meet Monk in front of the Bowery Hotel on Pitt ST to continue the mission. 5 Hidden Mission Money Bags with a value of $5,000 [GF.M18] It’s Only Business First… take out all the Barzini family members in the basement level of the Embassy Club. Next, go to the room that contains the counterfeiting machines. Draw a weapon, and use “Free-Aim Mode” to destroy the wooden crate on the floor in the northeast corner of the room. Doing so will reveal the Hidden Mission Money Bag, grab it and continue chasing Tessio to complete the mission. 1 Hidden Mission Money Bag with a value of $10,000 [GF.M19] A Royal Flush On the second floor of The Peak Hotel in Midtown, interrogate the hotel employee wearing the red jacket. Enter the hotel room on the north side of the hallway and turn left. In the southeast corner of the room sitting on the floor in front of a bookcase are the Hidden Mission Money Bags. Gather them up and continue to the basement to complete the mission. 3 Hidden Mission Money Bags with a value of $15,000 [GF.M20] Baptism By Fire After you kill Don Barzini at the Justice Building, head up the steps of the courthouse and go behind the large white columns on the landing. Behind the third pillar from the end, on the right when facing it, is where you’ll find the Hidden Mission Money Bags sitting on the ground. Grab them quickly, then find a vehicle to outrun the police and complete the mission. 3 Hidden Mission Money Bags with a value of $50,000

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